Commercial & Residential Services Available

  • Spring Clean Up

    Prior to regular mowing season come the spring clean up of the yard and lawn. This important step in the month of April helps your yard come to life after the long winter. The Spring Clean Up consists mainly of Power Raking, removal of leaves and debris, and the first mowing which collects any thatch left over after the clean up is done.

  • Core Aeration

    This service is a great benefit to your turf as it relieves compaction to the soil. Aeration allows air deep down into the roots, allowing moisture to penetrate the soil leaving the roots able to get the necessary nutrients delivered by the moisture.

  • Fertilization

    This service begins in the fall to jump start your lawn in the spring. Fertilization is vital in the health of your lawn, a healthy thick lawn also manages to keep the invasion of weeds at a minimum. Call us to discuss how this service works and the steps taken throughout the spring, summer and fall.

  • Weekly Lawn Care

    This is our number one service available and is a good start in the right direction to maintaining your property’s optimal appearance. Our well trained and experienced staff will show up once a week to maintain the lawn throughout the season. At the time of spring clean up, other services are available to add on at anytime. We are happy to discuss this with absolutely no obligation to have to choose.

  • Hedge Trimming

    We have extensive knowledge in this category as the appearance of a hedge or shrub all starts with an experienced person. Call to discuss how this service works and the steps taken to provide the best service possible.

  • Eave Trough Cleaning

    The only service you don’t get to see but we know it is a vital step in maintaining the integrity of your roof. A well kept eave trough system may avoid unnecessary expenses down the road. Damage from moisture seeping up under the shingles will eventually cause water damage to the boards. This can be avoided by maintaining a functioning eave trough that collects and delivers the water down the spouts and away from the house foundation.

  • Fall Cleanup

    Finally the season is coming to an end, the leaves have fallen and soon the ground will be covered in snow. Before this happens a clean up of leaves ensures a healthy lawn in the spring, part of the preparation of the lawn going into the winter. Also, at the time of the last cut in late September, a cut at a lower level prevents the grass from bending over and matting due to a lawn left too long.

  • Snow Removal & Ice Melt

    This service is provided to help you maintain a safe and hazard free property. By maintaining a snow cleared sidewalk, steps and driveway, the risk of a fall is minimized. By adding a Ice Melt Service, this added layer of protection greatly reduces the risk of a fall injury. Snow & Ice Melt service is usually reserved for our year round loyal customers but we will make exceptions for some requests that are not year round customers yet. Winter season runs November 1st - March 31st with occasional snowfalls in October and April that may need tending to.

    Our team will show up once every 24 hours during continuous snow falling and within 24 hours of a single snowfall.